ProbioLite: Review Golden After 50 Acid Reflux Probiotics

 ProbioLite: Review

Acidaburn Reviews: Lean Body Burn With Acidaburn Supplement?

10% of the population regularly suffers from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Strongly acidic gastric juice travels from the stomach to the esophagus. With the key, burns (heartburn), chest pain and inflammation of the mucous membranes (esophagitis). To watch closely.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (commonly known as “gastric reflux” or “heartburn”) is defined as the reflux of food or stomach acid from the stomach into the esophagus and is a condition that several of us are likely to have met once or twice in the past few years. In fact, about 25% of the population is said to have gastrointestinal problems that cause them heartburn at least once a month.1

ProbioLite: Review (see More)

Although there are a variety of over-the-counter treatments, such as antacids or proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), such drugs have been linked to other harmful side effects, such as intestinal dysbiosis or pain. other more serious conditions.2 If taken a step further, the frequent occurrence of heartburn or gastric reflux could mean that other health issues are present in your body, specifically in your gut .

ProbioLite: Review

Gastric reflux and its connection to intestinal dysbiosis

Dysbiosis occurs when there is an imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in the gut. Acid reflux and intestinal dysbiosis are connected in two ways. The first is that heartburn or reflux could be symptoms of an imbalance in the gut microbiota. In fact, this ebb might be your body's way of telling you that something more serious is happening in your body and that you need to take action. The second has to do with over-the-counter reflux medications, such as antacids and PPIs, which can cause your gut flora to become imbalanced.

1. Intestinal dysbiosis could be the cause of gastric reflux

That frequent heartburn just might be your body's way of telling you that something important is going on in your body, specifically in your gut. The term "porous gut" is used when you experience recurring symptoms of gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, or heartburn. All of these symptoms are signs of an imbalance in gut bacteria. It's very common to think that acid reflux is always caused by too much stomach acid, but it can be otherwise. One of the main causes of a porous gut is a deficiency in the acid that helps digest food.

2. Medications for gastric reflux could cause intestinal dysbiosis

PPIs have been shown to have the potential to alter the normal microbiota of the gut. This change begins in the esophagus where the drugs change the bacteria in the esophagus, and then continues in the stomach, small intestine and colon, changing the bacteria that are normally present.2 PPIs alter the diversity of bacteria found in the gut and more specifically, studies have shown that people who take a PPI experience more changes leading to a less healthy microbiota than those who do not.3 So, by trying to remedy the your stomach acidity problems, these drugs help destroy good and bad bacteria in your body.

How to support your gut and reduce symptoms of gastric reflux Probio-Lite

The good news? Now that you know how gastric reflux and gut dysbiosis are linked, you are able to start helping your body by making lifestyle and diet changes to restore balance to your gut flora. and thus reduce the symptoms of reflux.

ProbioLite: Review

1. Avoid certain foods and drinks

Certain drinks and foods can intensify the symptoms of acid reflux. When you experience a long period of heartburn, consider eliminating carbonated drinks, alcohol, caffeine, coffee, acidic juices and sauces, and spicy foods.

2. Increase your probiotic intake

Incorporating foods rich in probiotics into your diet is always beneficial, but you should consider keeping your gut microbiome healthy by taking a daily probiotic supplement, such as drinkable Bio-K + or Bio-K + capsules. . Although to maintain the health of your intestinal flora we recommend that you take a daily serving of Bio-K + 12.5 billion, if you have taken PPIs or antacids or if you frequently suffer from symptoms of gastric reflux, you should consider taking a higher dose to optimize the condition of your intestinal flora, choosing Bio-K + 25 billion or Bio-K + 50 billion.

3. Optimize your gastric acidity

It is often believed that too much gastric acid

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